Next, I'd like to share a short story that I've heard recently. There once was an individual named Peru (yes, like the country), who was just like everyone else in the way he lived his normal life. One day, he met a peculiar guy named Ambitious. This guy, Ambitious, caused a sense of inner turmoil in Peru, who was unable to understand the reasons and ideas behind Ambitious' lifestyle. See, Ambitious decided to embark on a daring challenge to improve himself, which Peru could only see as insane. Not knowing any other way to conceive it, he decided that the challenge must be a substitute for a normal life and wrote Ambitious off as "stupid." The problem with Peru's thinking, is that unfortunately, he has been ensnared by the trap of mediocracy. Too cowardly to attempt something great, he will forever be normal and no better than the nameless guy next to him. What he needs to understand is that Ambitious, though he might fail the challenge, will eventually succeed in life and surpass the other "Perus" around him who lack the balls to do anything exceptional with their one shot at life.
With that uplifting metaphorical story, see y'all in the morning! If you know any "Perus", let them know that they should "never settle for normal simply because that's all they know."
P.S. I am a very happy person. In case anyone picked up on a slightly hateful tone... refer to:
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